Tuesday, 10 April 2012

April's Newletter

Dear members,

The monthly work party is on Sat 14th April 10am to 12 noon, I hope you can make it.

The boundary fence behind the pond adjoining Western Elms Avenue has been replaced, this is a long needed repair and does make this section of the garden look much better. Our thanks to Dr Howlett for replacing his adjacent section of fencing along the passageway at the same time. This now all ties in with the section replaced in 2010 from the entry gate making the whole boundary both safer and smarter looking.

Plot holders, there is a hosepipe ban in place. The standpipe in the garden can be used to water the plots but only using watering cans, there is a watering can in the tool shed but can plot holders bring their own watering can to use while the drought restrictions are in place. If anyone has a spare watering can they can give to the garden it would be much appreciated.

The annual ORCG BBQ will be on Sat 14th of July 12:30-3pmOwen’s Animals will be there to entertain the children (free), a reminder if you are attending to bring your own meat/veg option with you. Salad, rolls, condiments, cutlery and children’s soft drinks will be provided by the garden.

The garden diary is on the outside of the cabin, please record your use of the garden in this as we have to submit an annual review to RBC. If you are planning a large event in the garden please email the committee on oxfordroadgarden (at) yahoo (dot) com as well as putting it in the diary, this is purely to ensure there are no clashes of dates with maintenance work or external volunteers in the garden that could ruin your event.

Any queries on any of these point please contact me.

Ricky Josey
Chair Oxford Road Community Garden