As another summer slowly fades into autumn the garden changes again, today there are a large number of mushrooms and toadstools in the garden, nice to see but please be aware of them and ensure children and pets do not eat them!
The bird feeders have been reinstated, cleaned & filled. A reserve of food will be kept in the tool shed, if the feeders are empty please refill them. In recent years we have seen coal tits and great spotted woodpeckers in addition to the usual garden birds. If you see anything unusual please let us know. BBOWT have advice on what to feed the birds on this link: http://www.bbowt.org.uk/wildlife/wildlife-advice/wild-info-garden-birds/feeding-garden-birds
In the cabin there is a display from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) promoting their annual celebration of responsible forestry this year on Fri 27th September. There are some leaflets on the shelves for you to take if you are interested. http://www.fsc-uk.org/about-fsc.2.htm
The Reading Town Meal is on Saturday 5th of October and everyone in Reading is invited. There is a collection point in the garden for all plot holders who have surplus produce and would like to donate towards the meal. I will be collecting all donations on Sunday 29th September around 3pm. http://www.readingtownmeal.org.uk/
The October work party will be on Sat 9th October 10-12 noon please come along and lend a hand, we will be collecting up composting materials, thinning some trees and putting up a new bird box.
Ricky Josey - Chair ORCG