Saturday, 10 March 2012

Garden Update March 2012

Dear members,

A quick update for all the garden members, we have a number of events coming up in the garden:

Rescue 2012 March 10th 10-12 noon

Please come along tomorrow morning from 10-12 noon and help us clean up the access lane to the garden, tidy up in the garden and meet other members.

Plot holders

If you currently have a vegetable plot can you confirm you are intending to keep it for 2012, if not please let us know ASAP.

As a reminder all plot holders are expected to contribute towards 3 work parties each year.
There is currently .5 of a plot that was Ron’s plot that a couple of people were going to take over, if this has happened or is about to happen can you confirm to us.
There is a full plot available immediately, if people are interested please email us and we will arrange to get you keys for the tool shed. This plot can be split into halves if requested.

Work parties

These take place from March-October on the second Saturday from 10-12 noon. Feel free to come along even if just for a few minutes.
As a reminder all plot holders are expected to contribute towards 3 work parties each year.


The committee is in need of new members, if you feel you would like to know more about the committee then drop us an email and we will explain what we do, it’s not too involved.

Can you make all replies to the oxfordroadgarden (at) yahoo (dot) com

Ricky Josey
Chair, ORCG