Friday, 6 March 2015

It's Spring again!

A big hello to all the community garden members!

Crocuses 2015

We have been quiet through the winter but not inactive, we've had CROW from Econet come in and do some clearance work around the pond and some tree work in the garden. We are in advanced stages of obtaining funding for two new benches to replace the last wooden ones, these will be similar to the new ones obtained last year. We have been chasing up veg plot holders to ensure full usage and we have some new fruit trees coming from the Reading Food Growing Network RFGN, these will be in the garden shortly. One school has already used the garden for their RSPB Big Garden bird watch event and we have some bookings in the diary for future visits.

To get 2015 off to a good start we have the following events:

Sat 7th March 10am-Noon - Garden re-opens and we'll be giving the garden a freshen up - please come along and lend a hand with some light gardening.
Chris will be leading this event.

Sat 28th March 3-5pm - Reading Rescue event at the garden - we will be tidying up the garden access pathway, the access lane and parking area.
Ricky will be leading this event.

Work parties will be the FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH March to October 10am-12noon, if you would like to help outside of these days/hours please let us know.

The pond, newly cleared

The 2015 diary is on the front of the cabin, please put any events in here to avoid clashes of events and disappointment and check out planned events.

The new playcabin
If there is anything you would like to see happen in the garden please catch up with a committee member at a work party or email one of us.

2015 is up and running in the garden :-)

Ricky Josey
Chair ORCG