Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Early Summer 2014 Update

A big welcome to all our new members, we've had quite a few people join in the last month or two!
All members are invited to attend the garden this Saturday (June 7th) when some light gardening and tidying will be taking place between 10am and 12 noon.
Our new benches have been ordered and will be here later this month (finally!) and the other garden items will also be here shortly :-)
The GARDEN EMAIL ADDRESS IS NOT WORKING so please direct any emails to myself or a committee member. I will confirm when the issue has been resolved.

ORCG is a member of the Reading Neighbourhood Network and as members of RNN all ORCG members can access the training offered on the website for FREE. is the website. If there is trainging you would like to attend let me know and I'll get you all the relevant details.
There is now an Oxford Road Timebank in place, everyone along the Oxford Road is invited to join it, more details can be found on their website or you can speak directly to them at the Oxford Road Fun Day on July the 5th. (See below.)

July 5th is the annual Oxford Road Fun Day held in Kensington Park in Kensington Road (for those new to Reading if you head out of town on the Oxford Road you turn left at Mr Cod) and as the website says "The Oxford Road Fun Day is a family day For the local Community, set up by the local Community and run by the local Community." More details on their website 
Finally, there is a new Community Organiser covering the Oxford Road area, her name is Freya, Freya can be contacted here if you have a community project you would like to start or see happen then speak to Freya and see if it can happen!

If you have any queries about the garden or would like more info about the running of the garden please contact me.
Ricky Josey