Friday, 4 August 2017

Oxford Road Community Garden Newsletter and Work Party this Saturday!


It's the summer holidays - you can tell because it's raining!

The garden is normally really busy through the summer holidays so please remember to use the diary to let others know of any big events in the garden. This avoids clashes and disappointment. Also, please take your rubbish/litter home, we do not have a rubbish collection service, the bin at the end of the lane is really only for small amounts of rubbish, leaving bin bags by the bin is fly tipping and you can be fined for leaving it there.

We have a new committee member, Val, who is organising the veg plots for us, if you have a plot I'm sure you've heard from her. Welcome Val. If anyone would like to join the committee please let me know.

The next work party is Sat 5th Aug 10-12 noon, Ricky is leading this one, please drop in even for just a while and meet some of the other garden members. Lots of small jobs for all abilities.

In a future newsletter we will also be including a small list of tasks for key holders who have given apologies for not being able to attend  work parties for one reason or another. 

We look forward to a big turn out on Saturday to share the care and maintenance of the Garden.

Best wishes from The Garden Committee.